Commission Schedules 2.0


Our revamped Commission Calculator now includes the following features:

1. Multiple Schedules for the Same Product:
You can now create and manage multiple commission schedules for the same product, allowing you to tailor your commission structures to different policies or scenarios. This feature enables you to efficiently handle complex commission calculations within a single platform.

2. State-Based Schedules:
Our Commission Calculator now allows you to define schedules that are specific to particular states or regions. This means you can easily adapt your commission rates to meet the variety of state-specific commissions.

3. Client Age Range Customization:
You can now set commission schedules to apply only to specific client age ranges. You can have a different commission schedule for the same product for those under 80 and over 80, as example.

4. Policy Effective Date Ranges:
With the new Commission Calculator, you can define the effective date range for each schedule. This means you can plan and execute changes to your commission structures well in advance, ensuring that your calculations are always up-to-date and aligned with company changes.

With this change also comes a new Analytics page with an improved Schedule.